With a lifelong interest and passion for the natural world, Rob has always combined his love of the environment and art. Wishing to raise awareness of the need to conserve shrinking habitats, particularly wetlands. In his work, he has attempted to to represent at-risk, vital natural diversity in his work, juxtaposing the often overlooked wildlife with the urban, maritime and industrial landscapes they inhabit.
“Hopefully if I can halt the viewer long enough to create awareness of what exists in these places and the value of working to ensure their existence, the important interconnection, man is nature–nature is man.”


Fragmentation 4 – Watercolour and pencil on paper on salvaged ply panel 2021 WAMA Art Prize Finalist

Journey, Eastern Curlew – Acrylic polymer/mixed media on salvaged timber panel

SOLD Burleigh Street Tanks, Kestrel – Acrylic on salvaged timber panel

Journey, Black-tailed Godwits – Acrylic polymer/mixed media on salvaged timber panel

Flock at Rest – Wire sculpture on salvaged timber base

Journey Begins – Wire sculpture, salvaged fencing wire

Melbourne Water
Skipper Butterfly sculpture Cherry Lake, Altona

Journey, Mixed Flock 1 – Acrylic polymer/mixed media on salvaged timber panel

Journey, Mixed Flock 2 – Acrylic polymer/mixed media on salvaged timber panel

Fractured Flock – Acrylic polymer/mixed media on salvaged timber panel

Marbled Gecko – Acrylic polymer on salvaged timber panel

Wood Scorpion – Acrylic polymer on salvaged timber panel

SOLD Journey, Greater Sand Plovers – Acrylic polymer/mixed media on salvaged timber panel

Journey, Great Knots – Mixed media on salvaged timber panel

Journey, Curlew Sandpipers – Acrylic polymer/mixed media on salvaged timber panel

SOLD Journey, Bar-tailed Godwits – Acrylic polymer/mixed media on salvaged timber panel

SOLD Australian Hobby – Acrylic polymer on salvaged timber panel

SOLD Australian Gannet – Acrylic polymer on salvaged timber panel

SOLD Peregrine Falcon – Acrylic polymer on salvaged timber panel

SOLD Hooded Plovers – Acrylic polymer on salvaged timber panel

SOLD Red-kneed Dotterel – Acrylic polymer on salvaged timber panel

SOLD Pied Oystercatchers – Acrylic polymer on salvaged timber panel

SOLD Pigface, Altona Refinery – Acrylic polymer on salvaged timber panel

SOLD Red-necked Avocets and Banded Stilt – Acrylic polymer on salvaged timber panel

SOLD Black-winged Stilts – Acrylic polymer on salvaged timber panel

SOLD Pelicans – Acrylic polymer on salvaged timber panel

SOLD Epic Journey, Bar-tailed Godwits – Acrylic polymer/mixed media on salvaged timber panel